Set Up Crew (12:00–4:00 pm) help with all aspects of set up: registration, tables, décor, and signage. We need 6 volunteers.
Greeters (5:00-7:15 pm) greet and welcome guests, answer questions and direct them to registration. Volunteers will be positioned at the main doors and throughout the event. We need 4 volunteers.
Registration (guest check-in & check-out) (5:00-7:30 pm & 8:00- 9:00pm) volunteers will manage all guest information: Registration, purchases, check-in and check-out. Volunteers will be stationed at a computer. Volunteers will receive all training on site. Comfort with computers and good customer service is recommended but the process is very easy and can be learned quickly onsite. We need 4 volunteers.
Registration Support (5:00-7:30 pm) volunteers will help support the Registration team by gathering "Welcome Packets" for each guest during the check-in process. We need 2 volunteers.
Silent Auction Table Host (5:00–7:30 pm & 8:00- 9:00pm) support the silent auction by answering questions, providing additional bidder sheets if necessary, passing bidder sheets from the auction table to the data entry computers. Help deliver packages to winning bidders at check out We need 6 volunteers.
Auction Item Carrier (8:00-9:00 pm) At the end of the event, direct guests to parking lot and thank them for their attendance. Also offer to help guest carry auction items to their car, if needed. We need 2 volunteers.
Clean Up Crew (9:00 – 10:30 pm) load up remaining supplies and décor that needs to return to the office. Volunteers are advised to wear comfortable shoes. We need 4 volunteers.